YEAR: 1987
Initial Price: 30.000 LEI \$700, $1,603 in 2020
The Junior XT is a Romanian computer built at Întreprinderea de Echipamente Periferice (IEPER). The computer was build around the Intel 8086, 16bit CPU, running at 4.77 Mhz and an i8087 math CPU for those who needed more mathematical power. In the base configuration the unit came with 640Kb RAM it had a CGA graphics adapter and 1X Parallel port, 1 X Serial port. The storage was 20-70 MB HDD and it also had 1 or 2 (5.14, 360Kb) FDD drives.
Its an IBM clone that runs MS-DOS or PC-DOS. The computer comes with a Monochrome Green display featuring a 640×200 pixel CGA resolution.
I got this computer from a friend. The CRT is not working and the main power supply is busted.

Am gasit intamplator asta, poate va intereseaza
Salut si multumesc pentru intentie!
Am cumparat acum 10 ani 4 Junioare XT complete, 2 in cutiile originale la preturi mai decente. Sunt de interes placile de XT de pe OLX insa cred ca imi ajunge ce am pentru moment! 🙂